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Glossary of terms

Newcomers to Schutzhund can find themselves mighty confused when it comes to the abbreviations and acronyms they encounter. Sometimes, the old-timers can’t remember what they stand for either! Especially when they’re based on words from another language!

There are too many to cover every conceivable acronym that you are going to encounter. However, these are the most likely to cause confusion in the sport of Schutzhund. They are presented here in alphabetical order, for ease of reference, with links to related abbreviations. Some explanation is provided where the meaning is not self-evident. This should help you make sense of the terms that are tossed around in conversation, and the alphabet soup that appears on pedigrees and in ads for dogs and litters.

A a-stamp

'a-stamp' (indicates a passing hip score with regards to testing for hip dysplasia/joint laxity). An SV certification rating. See also OFA, OVC, PennHip.

a-Normal = certified normal hips

a-Fast Normal = certified near normal hips

a-Noch zugelassen = certified hips, still permissable for breeding


ausgeprägt - Pronounced. Used by the judge in describing a dog’s courage and "hardness" see TSB


Ausreichend — sufficient — show or performance rating


Advanced Breed Suitability Test


Ausdauerprüfung - endurance trial 12 miles in 2 hours.


American Kennel Club - American breed club organization. The AKC is not involved in the sport of Schutzhund. The AKC has a working relationship with the FCI, but not with WUSV. The AKC is a club of clubs, and is primarily a registry for purebred dogs.


Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Zuchtvereine und Gebrauchshundeverbände — Association of breed registry and working-dog sport clubs — The AZG has the purpose of administrating uniform international schutzhund rules via the FCI, to assure inter-club and international conformity, making it possible to hold identical or similar international trial competitions in many countries. see VDH


Begleithunde - the preliminary and prerequisite test for a dog going on to get his/her Schutzhund titles. A combination temperament and obedience test. B and BH are used interchangeably.


Besitzer Owner


BundesSiegerPrüfung - trial at the national level


Breed Suitability Test


BundesSiegerZuchtSchau - show at the national level



Companion Dog, Companion Dog Excellent. Obedience titles granted by the AKC / CKC


the dog has a Canine Good Citizen certificate


Canine Hip Dysplasia


Canadian Kennel Club - the Canadian equivalent of the AKC. Unlike the AKC, the CKC has individual members. Primarily a breed registry. Also, Continental Kennel Club, a different and completely unrelated dog breed organization.


The German "Dog Sport Club" (Deutscher Hundesport Verein), which is the "National parent club" or the "Union" of the Dog Sport Clubs of Germany.


Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine e.V. (German member of DHV) A dog sport club and one of the larger members of the DHV. Has some branches in the US and Canada Alternate organization for Schutzhund, with slightly different rules, and a broader breed focus - not limited to the GSD.


Einfache Zucht (Simple Breeding) Only one parent has a working degree.


Fédération Cynologique Internationale - the world Canine organization. Membership is currently at 79 countries’ national, purebred dog organizations.


FH 1,

FH 2

Fährtenhund - tracking dog title


Gut (good show or performance rating)


German Shepherd Dog - common abbreviation for German Shepherds


German Shepherd Dog Club of America - a member of the WUSV but not the FCI


German Shepherd Dog Club of Canada


German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada - a WUSV member


Gebrauchshundzucht - Utility Dog Breeding. Both parents have working titles.

Hündin - Female


Hip Dysplaysia



IPO also IP 1, 2, 3 

International Prüfungsordnung (International working tests) Class I, II, III, similar to schutzhund. International Schutzhund titles, functionally equivalent to SchH I, II, III.



Körklasse 1 (especially recommended for breeding by the SV) Körklasse 2 (suitable for breeding by the SV)


Kör- und Leistungszucht - Qualification and Performance Breeding. Both parents have breed surveys and all four grandparents have working titles.


Körzucht - Qualification Breeding - Both parents have breed surveys.


Körklasse 1 (especially recommended for breeding by the SV) Körklasse 2 (suitable for breeding by the SV)


Lebenszeit - Breed surveyed for life


Leistungszucht - Performance Breeding. Both parents and all four grandparents have working titles


Mangelhaft -faulty - show or performance rating


nicht genügend - insufficient. Used by the judge in describing a dog’s courage and "hardness". See TSB


Orthopedic Foundation for Animals a non-profit registry which issues "arms length" certification on various health concerns, (not limited to Orthopaedics). Reference is usually with regards to the practice of x-raying hips and certifying the dogs to be free of hip dysplasia. See also "a stamp"

OFA Excellent - no dysplasia, superior hip socket conformation

OFA Good - no dysplasia, a well formed, congruent hip joint

OFA Fair - no dysplasia, minor irregularities in the hip joint present OFA Borderline - no consensus between radiologists to place hip into either a normal or dysplastic catagory OFA Mild (Grade I) - mild hip dysplasia present

OFA Moderate (Grade II) - moderate hip dysplasia present

OFA Severe (Grade III) - severe hip dysplasia present


Ontario Veterinary College (Canada) Hips will be graded as Pass or Fail. See also OFA and "a stamp"


Developed at University of Pennsylvania (USA) The procedure measures hip joint laxity; it does not grade a passing or failing score. Loose hips are more prone to developing degenerative joint disease. See OVC, OFA, "a stamp"


Rüde - Male


Register of Merit - title awarded to the sire or dam for the accomplishments of its progeny.

ROM - Register of Merit: A title given by the German Shepherd Dog Club of America to animals who have produced a minimum number of conformation Champions and other winning offspring.

ROM/C - Register of Merit United States and Canada

ROMC - Register of Merit Canada


SchH 1,

SchH 2, SchH 3

Schutzhund, and the 3 levels of titles awarded. Each level is a progression and built on the skills learned in the previous level. Used as an abbreviation, "SchH" can refer to the dog or the sport. Titles are sometimes written as SchH 1, SchH 2, SchH 3.


A limited SchH title, similar to SchH I but without the tracking portion.


Sehr Gut (very good show or performance rating)

SG1, SG2, etc.

See V1.


Sieger (male) or Siegerin (female) -the best male or female at the national conformation specialty show


Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (German Shepherd Dog Club) The original GSD breed club and breed registry, based in Germany. The SV is not only the largest breed-specific registry in the world, it’s also extremely active. In addition to being a breed registry, the SV also promotes working-dog activities, i.e. by awarding working titles (SchH). They also sanction conformation show and koerungs (breed surveys). The SV is a member of the VDH. (Schutzhund,IPO etc.)


Precedes the SV registration number i.e SZ 1234567


Temperament Certificate


Tracking dog titles granted by the AKC/CKC


Triebveranlagung - fighting drive


Temperament Tested


ungenügend - insufficient - show or performance rating


Utility Dog, Utility Dog Excellent. Advanced obedience titles granted by the AKC/CKC


United Kennel Club


United Schutzhund Clubs of America


United Schutzhund clubs of America (as opposed to United States of America)


Vorzüglich (excellent show or performance rating) awarded to dogs with a working title only


Nachzucht Bewertung - progeny evaluation

v -


von or vom - in a dog’s name, meaning "of" or "from"Usually indicates the start of the kennel name. I.e. dogname von kennelname. "Von" or "vom" is gender specific to the gender of the kennel name - not the dog.

V1 V2, V3, etc. 

Ranking at the BSP, V being excellent and top rating, the top placed dog is V1, second is V2, etc. until reaching the dogs rated SG, then they are SG1, SG2, etc.


Vorzüglich-Auslese (Excellent Select show rating given only at Sieger show) (VA-1) See V1.


Dog Society of Germany - VDH (Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen e.V.). It is the "national", "parent", or "main"dog club of Germany, and in turn is a member in, and bound by the rules of that international or "World Dog Club", the FCI. The SV is a member of the VDH.

Just to be confusing, VDH is also the German Shepherd Dog club in the Netherlands, (Vereniging van Fokkers en Liefhebbers van Duitse Herdershonden)


vorhanden - Present or Sufficient Used by the judge in describing a dog’s courage and "hardness" see TSB, or in the context of a show rating.


Working Dog Association


Welt Union der Schäferhundvereine or World Union of GSD clubs. International breed umbrella for GSD breed clubs. Author and owner of the GSD international breed standard for the FCI (see FCI) Currently represents more than 60 countries, established to bring all GSD clubs worldwide closer together, and in sync with the SV in Germany. (see SV) The WUSV is allied to the FCI through direct communications, as well as through membership in the FCI club, the German VDH. (see VDH) Clubs like the GSSCC and the USA have a dotted-line connection to the FCI and a direct connection to the WUSV, and that strongly encourages them to abide by both FCI and SV regulations.

Züchter Breeder


Zuchttauglich Suitable for breeding. Subject animal passed their ZTP.



Zuchttauglichkeitsprüfung - Breed-Suitability-Test - incorporating hip rating, conformation, and basic working ability.


Zuchtwert. ZW-value — Zuchtwert evaluation — is Breed Value Assessment - a number assigned that gives an indication of the genotype of the dog for breeding purposes.

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